Cyber Security

Extremely useful course designed for Engineering Students, Diploma, BCA, MCA & other Computer literate students. Also useful for all the professionals who work on Computers or may be working in the field of Hardware & Networking This course is also useful for all Internet and Smart Phone users, as our daily lives become more and more dependent on Internet-based tools and services, and as those platforms accumulate our sensitive data, the demand grows for experts in the field of cyber security.

What will you learn? (Syllabus) :-

  • Introduction, Types of Computer Viruses and InfectionsImportance of Cyber Security, Why we need Cyber Security skills, Adware & Spyware, Antispam, Botnet, Keyloggers, Overview of Viruses, Rootkits, Trojans and Worms, What are malwares, What is a Ransomware, Host file, Cyber Security in Everyday Life, How to prevent unwanted Ads and Pop-ups, Managing & Maintaining strong passwords, Secure online banking & information safety, Securing net banking and online transactions on public computers, Avoiding malware.
  • Securing Personal computers and Operating Systems - Host file, Internet service hardening, ACL(Access Control List), patch management, Patch Deployment and verification, Patch testing, securing the OS, Security of TLS, Windows Update, Restricting Admin Access on laptops, Safety Tips for using Login IDs & Passwords on Public Computers, Using a physical lock for laptop, Checking warranty of a product or gadget, Protection of Data
  • Types of Cyber Attacks - Cyber Attacks, Buffer Overflow Attack, DDOS Attack, Dos Attack, Impersonation attack MITM, Phishing, Social Engineering,Spoofing attacks, Tailgating attack, Zero Day exploit, Securing WhatsApp DP, Unknown email and safety tips, Sharing and Forwarding social media, Fake phone call, Beware of peeping while using passwords & PINS, Hiring a Cab & Safety. 
  • Ethical Hacking and tools used for Ethical Hacking - 7 Steps of reconnaissance, Configuring Windows Firewall, Foot printing, Hardware Protocol Analyser, Lawful Interception, MAC Address Filtering, NAT, NMAP, NMAP-PART2, Ethical hacking, Protocols which are affected, Sniffing. Tools used for ethical hacking. Tools used for foot printing, Types of Reconnaissance, Wireless Security Protocol, WPA3, Online work from home scams, Security of Debit & Credit card, What if my mobile is stolen, Safety tips for Using public Wi-Fi 
  • Securing LANs and Remote Networks - Firewall, Honeypot, IPS and IDS, IPSec, Load Balancer, Mobile device management, connection method, Setting LAB environment,SIEM, SNMP, Virtual box, VPN, Setting up Emergency, Text on a Android phone, Tracking the data on a Android phone, Using App Locker Tools, Noting down the IMEI code, How to block SIM card, Mobile while walking and driving, Safety Tips for selfies

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